Catherine Deppa, Realtor®
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Catherine Deppa, Realtor®

Anne Arundel Properties
(410) 224-3600 (Office)
(410) 224-0155 (Broker)
(928) 223-7933 (Fax)
(443) 848-8619 (Mobile)

Baltimore - Annapolis Area Homes brought to you by Catherine Deppa, Realtor®

Attention Expired Listings: (Homes that were for sale but unfortunately did not sell.)

Has your Home listing expired without a sale? Are you frustrated with the entire selling process? Do you lay awake at night wondering what went wrong?

I can help you! Please email me or give me a call.

  • Perhaps you need a rock solid Comparative Analysis with other homes in your area. Selling Price might have been the issue.

  • Perhaps no photos were on the Multiple Listing Service.. Unfortunately, if there are no photos on the MLS or the photos are not attractive, agents won't consider showing your home to potential buyers.

  • Perhaps the MLS listing was too vague, had misspellings or other detractions that drove away potential buyers. MLS listings are very detailed and take considerable time to do correctly. We don't take cut corners.

  • Maybe your home was not listed on the internet.

  • Perhaps Print Advertising was not maximized or your Open Houses were not properly advertised.

  • Maybe you had a contract that fell through.

There are many pitfalls in listing a home for sale. Take a few minutes and send me an email or call me for a free, no obligation assessment. I am sure that we can find out why your home didn't sell. Let me use my 60-Day Marketing Impact Plan to help sell your home.

My motto: Quality Service, Care, and Aggressive Marketing! These traits are essential for an excellent Real Estate Home Selling Experience.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to working with you!

Catherine Deppa
Real Estate Agent

Anne Arundel Properties
Annapolis, Maryland

(410) 224-3600 (Office)
(410) 224-0155 (Broker)
(928) 223-7933 (Fax)
(443) 848-8619 (Mobile)

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